Absolute Assurance for Accommodation works!

In 2018, 111 students used the Absolute assurance for accommodation. The guarantee had an impact on 46 % of the student’s choice on which city to study in.
In general, there is less students who use the guarantee compared to previous years. The highest number of applicants was in 2015 with 181 students, but has been decreasing steadily since then. The expectation is that the amount will keep decreasing. This is due to the growing number of new student accommodations in Odense. There has been built 1,025 new student accommodations in the period 2011-2019. In addition, the number of youths between 19-22 years of age have been decreasing slowly.
The Absolute assurance for accommodation guarantee for Odense municipally are used by students who move to the city and therefore can be guaranteed a place to live, if they cannot find a place on their own. 
It gives the students access to a common sleeping dormitory divided in gender. There are common kitchen, toilet, shower, common room and Wi-Fi, which is included in the rent, which is between 2.000 and 2.200 DKK.
In 2019, the dormitories are offered from Diamanten in Vollsmose, Kragbjerggaard Vandrehjem and Odense Hostel ApS. There is an expectation from The Department of Culture and Urban Development that 90-120 students will make use the offer in 2019.